At Urbans we are passionate about conserving and restoring the natural landscape and biodiversity values of your assets.
What we do
Our qualified environmental and biodiversity team will manage sensitive and vulnerable natural sites through strategic on-ground techniques to conserve and protect the local flora and fauna species.
We collaborate closely with Environment Protection Authority (EPA); Department for Environment and Water (DEW) / Landscape SA Boards; Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DTI); and varying local councils; both metropolitan and rural to ensure all control measures are undertaken in compliance with legislation and with minimal impact on the natural environment.

We can also assist with biological surveys and long term vegetation management plans.
Our expert environmental services include:
- Bushfire Mitigation and Prevention
- Wetland Maintenance & Management
- Revegetation (Broadacre & Landscape Scale)
- Riparian / Creekline Restoration
- Consultancy
- Herbaceous & Grassy Weed Control (Invasive, Prioirty & WONS)
- Bushcare Works in highly sensitive sites
- Coastal Environment Restoration and Remediation
- Erosion Control Mitigation
- Plant and Tree Species Identification
- Pest Control (Feral Species Management)
- Fauna Habitat Construction & Assessments (Tree Hollow Creations, Advice & Bird Box Installation)
- Vegetation Clearance (Fuel Management Techniques)
Our work

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