Urbans have been engaged by various councils throughout metropolitan Adelaide to conduct street tree planting in their local neighbourhoods and communities. Trees provide a range of cultural, environmental, ecological and aesthetic benefits within the community.
Trees in urban environments provide attractive tree-lined streets with beautiful leafy green shade canopies for pedestrians and residents, provide habitat for birds and wildlife and linkages across the landscape, filter air pollutants and provide higher levels of oxygen, also reducing dust and heat, reduce/screen unwanted views and address and complement traffic safety.
Tree planting generally occurs between June and October to establish a healthy root system. Some of the Councils Urbans have recently assisted with tree planting are: City of Marion, City of Mitcham, City of Burnside, City of Prospect, City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters, City of Holdfast Bay and City of Port Adelaide Enfield.
We think you’ll agree that the benefits of greening the urbanised environment supports our general wellbeing.